
Change the video post that has been made by pressing the pencil button button edit

Edit Video Post

Change Video

change video

Video that comes from a file upload

Press the “Change Video Files” button to change the video upload file.

change video files

Then in the upload area insert a video file as a replacement.

drag drop files

Press the “Use previous video files” button if you want to use the previous files again.

use previous video files

Changing Video from uploaded files to other sources

Select the URL or Embed tab if you want to change it. How to insert it, see the “Add New Video Post” menu.

url video

Press the “Use Custom Permalink” button to change the title slug. use custom permalink button

Enter the title permalink in lowercase letters separated by a dash (-). If you enter the same permalink as another post, a number will be added automatically when saved.

edit custom permalinks

Changing the Thumbnail Image

Press the “Remove” button to change the thumbnail image.

video thumbnails upload

If you want to change the image file to an image URL, select the URL tab to enter the image URL.

video thumbnails url

Adding Translations

Press the + symbol on the selected language to add a translation for that language.

language translate

Edit Publish Date

Press “Edit” to change the publish date.

edit publish

Change the post date.

edit input publish

Audio Post Publication


Press the “Update” button to publish the changes or press “Save Draft” to save them.