Getting Started

Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 8.0

  • MySQL 5.6+ or MariaDB 10.0+

  • BCMath PHP Extension

  • Ctype PHP Extension

  • Fileinfo PHP extension

  • JSON PHP Extension

  • Mbstring PHP Extension

  • OpenSSL PHP Extension

  • PDO PHP Extension

  • Tokenizer PHP Extension

  • XML PHP Extension

  • Imagick PHP Extension

  • GD PHP Extension

Laramagz package directory

The package contains the following files and folders.

📒 laramagz-v1.3.1
    📂 app
        📂 upgrade
            📂 Exports
            📂 file
    📂 database
        📄 laramagz.sql
    📂 documentation
        📄 laramagz.pdf

Update Guide

Before updating, make sure you have backed up.

  1. Compress all files and folders into zip and download for backup.

  2. Backup your mysql database.

  3. Files in storage such as service-account-credentials.json and all folders in public storage.

  4. .env file.

Extract package laramagz-v1.3.1. Copy folder Exports.


Go to your website folder. Replace Exports with Exports from Laramagz.


Go to Settings then to Web Backup, click "Download Export File Data" and "Download Backup Storage".


Now you can upload to your hosting to replace the previous version of laramagz.

After you have successfully installed it, you can re-import the data file that you exported.


Upload and re-enter your storage data to storage/app/public. Please do not delete the supportedLocales.json file which is located in app/public/file.


If deleted take it back from laramagz package in upgrade folder.