Footer Section

The following are widgets in the Footer section.

1. About Widget

add new about


title about

The title entered into the title input will appear in the Widget Header Section.

title widget about



Select "Show" if you want to display a logo located under the title.

Select "Hide" if you want to hide the logo.

widget about without logo

To change the logo image go to the Settings menu> web properties.Upload a new logo on the web logo section.



Select "Show" if you want to display a link to the About page.

link about

Select "Hide" if you don’t want to display the link.

about without link

This widget is used to display links to social media or other sites.

add new links


title link

The title entered into the title input will appear in the header section of the Links widget.

title links


Enter the description in the links widget.

description link

This widget is to display the footer menu.

menu link widget

Click the eye symbol to activate and deactivate.

4. Subscription Widget (Newsletter)

add new newsletter footer


title newsletter footer

The title entered into the title input will appear in the header section of the footer Newsletter widget.

header newsletter footer


input description newsletter footer

Inputan description digunakan untuk memasukkan keterangan yang akan ditampilkan di bawah input email.

description newsletter footer

5. Article Post Widget

Post article widget displays a list of posts article on Footer.

add new post footer widget

Post Type

Users can set whether the post displayed is based on certain categories or all categories.

post type

Select "Post" if you want to display all posts, or select "Post by Category" if you only want to display a post with a specific category.


The category option will only appear if the selected post type is “Post by category”.

category select

Please select the desired post category to display.


input title post footer

The title entered into the title input will appear in the header section of the post list.

header post footer

The title supports multiple languages. Click one of the flags representing a language to select a language.

input title post footer id


Select one of the order types to set how the post will be displayed.



  • Latest: The widget content will be displayed based on the latest article (Descending).

  • Oldest: The widget content will be displayed based on the oldest article (Ascending).

  • Popular: The widget content will be displayed based on the most viewed articles.

  • Random: Widget content will be displayed randomly so that it will not be the same every time the page is opened.


Input Populer akan muncul jika pengguna memilih order "Populer". Pengguna dapat memilih artikel yang populer dalam satu hari, satu minggu, satu bulan, satu tahun, atau semuanya.

popular select

Number of Posts

Inputan Number of Posts untuk mengatur jumlah pos yang ditampilkan dalam konten widget.

number of posts

6. Label Widget

add new label footer


Users can set whether the label to be displayed is based on the category or tag.



input title label footer

The title entered into the title input will appear in the header section of the label widget.

header label footer

The title supports multiple languages. Click one of the flags representing a language to select a language.

input title label footer id


Select one of the order types to set how the post will be displayed.



  • Latest: The widget content will be displayed based on the latest article (Descending).

  • Oldest: The widget content will be displayed based on the oldest article (Ascending).

  • Popular: The widget content will be displayed based on the most viewed articles.

  • Random: Widget content will be displayed randomly so that it will not be the same every time the page is opened.


The Popular input will appear if the user selects the “Popular” order. Users can select articles that are popular in one day, one week, one month, one year, or all of them.

popular select

Number of Posts

Number of Posts input to set the number of posts displayed in the widget content.

number of posts