Getting Started

Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 8.2

  • MySQL >= 5.7 or MariaDB >= 10.3

  • BCMath PHP Extension

  • Ctype PHP Extension

  • Filter PHP Extension

  • Hash PHP Extension

  • DOM PHP Extension

  • Fileinfo PHP extension

  • JSON PHP Extension

  • Mbstring PHP Extension

  • OpenSSL PHP Extension

  • PCRE PHP Extension

  • PDO PHP Extension

  • Session PHP Extension

  • Tokenizer PHP Extension

  • XML PHP Extension

  • Imagick PHP Extension

  • GD PHP Extension

Laramagz package directory

The package contains the following files and folders.

📒 laramagz-v3.1.1
    📂 app
    📂 database
        📄 dblaramagz-v3.1.1.sql
    📂 documentation
        📄 documentation.html
    📂 update
    📂 vendor
    📄 CHANGELOG.txt

Update Guide (from v3.1.0 to v3.1.1)

Extract the zip file, copy and paste it into the laramagz folder.

If you install laramagz via git clone, after the composer install command, extract the zip file, copy the joedixon folder then paste it into laramagz/vendor

Clear cache

Manually delete all cache in the following folders (except .gitignore file if present):

  1. laramagz/storage/framework/views.

  2. laramagz/storage/framework/cache/data.

  3. laramagz/storage/framework/sessions.

  4. laramagz/bootstrap/cache.

Clearing cache with artisan command:

php artisan optimize:clear

Export data from dashboard

  1. Login with super-admin.

  2. Go to the Settings > Web Backup menu.

    web backup menu
  3. Click the Download Export Data File button.

    export data button

    If it fails, export via phpMyAdmin.

    Select all tables to export, except: failed_jobs, jobs, migrations, model_has_permissions, password_resets, password_reset_tokens, and personal_access_tokens

    export via phpmyadmin
  4. Click the Download Backup Storage button.

    download backup storage

    If it fails, do a manual backup of the storage/app/public folder.

Backup other important files

  1. service-account-credentials.json file in storage/app/analytics folder.

  2. .env file.

Upload Laramagz

  1. Delete all files and folders of the old version of laramagz

  2. Upload the file in your hosting’s File Manager.

  3. Extract the package.

  4. Edit the .env file based on your previous .env settings.

  5. Restore files in storage.

  6. Import cache tables, cache locks, job_batches, and sessions into the database (the import file is in the update-db folder).

import table

Clear cache

Manually delete all cache in the following folders (except .gitignore file if present):

  1. laramagz/storage/framework/views.

  2. laramagz/storage/framework/cache/data.

  3. laramagz/storage/framework/sessions.

  4. laramagz/bootstrap/cache.

Clearing cache with artisan command:

php artisan optimize:clear