All laramagz changes are documented in this file.

[v3.1.1] - 2024-10-14


  • The parent category option displays all categories other than the category being edited


  • Error when accessing video post details

  • Comments don’t work.

  • Share posts on social media

[v3.1.0] - 2024-09-30


  • Changed the category input from a drop-down list to a checkbox on article, audio and video posting pages.

  • Changed the appearance of the Theme settings page.

  • Update Laravel and packages.

  • Code refactoring


  • All issues found in previous versions.


  • Removed input subcategories on article, audio and video posting pages.

  • Removed the edit button and add tag form.

  • Removed contact description input on the Web Contact Settings page.

  • Removed the process of resizing post thumbnails, audio, and video to only use image files of the same size.

[v3.0.0] - 2024-04-27


  • Cannot save new categories when adding translations

  • The image display is broken when editing a translation category where the main category image is deleted

  • Remove multiple tags

  • Notification when entering email in newsletter

  • Video Post

  • Audio Post


  • Update to Laravel 11

  • Change package from rahulhaque/laravel-filepond to sopamo/laravel-filepond"

[v2.3.1] - 2024-01-10


  • The process of resizing post thumbnail images, audio and video.

  • Open graph image post/audio/video.

  • Category thumbnails are not displayed.

  • Open Graph Image image not displayed.

  • Post subcategories when editing posts.

  • Problem editing the date when in a language other than English

  • Other issues.


  • The default value of the post_source table posts field from empty string to nullable.

  • The user interface displays the settings menu as a submenu.

  • Other minor changes

[v2.3.0] - 2023-12-18


  • Audio posts during updates.

  • Submenu navigation.

  • Performance issues based on PageSpeed Insights.

  • Authentication message on failed login.

  • Reset password message that is not visible.

  • Video & Audio player not appearing on adding Video Post Translations.

  • File manager menu.

  • Other issues.


  • Multilingual translation in the contact description.

  • Support for image URLs for post thumbnails, page thumbnails, video cover thumbnails, and audio cover thumbnails.

  • Recommendation for image size: 763x414px (16:9) on the post thumbnail upload form page.

  • Edit date and time of publishing for video and audio posts.

  • Support for sidebar and footer settings applied to all pages.

  • Addition of a theme page for general layout.

  • Like count description above the post title in the post listing.


  • Thumbnail image size for posts, categories, video covers, and audio covers (recommended size with a 16:9 ratio).

  • Theme color changed to red (#EB0000).

  • Update FontAwesome to version 6.5.1.

  • Redesign of the logo image, favicon, OG cover, dashboard logo, and login logo.

  • Redesign of the default no-image image.

  • List icons on the icon picker using FontAwesome 6.5.1, displaying only a few icons. Additional available icons can be added manually.

  • Stylish appearance for the Item Menu Manager.

  • Restore the group column on the Translations table that was removed in the previous version.

  • Change the favicon appearance and reduce the list of favicons in the HTML meta.

  • Frontend theme CSS styling.

  • Limit post title rows to 2 in the content body’s post list and 1 row for post titles in sections, sidebars, and footers.

  • Replace the love symbol with the like symbol for liking posts on the single post page.

  • Other changes.


  • Ionicons

  • The love icon to like in the list of posts.

  • The "more" button to read further in the listing of posts.

[v2.2.1] - 2023-11-16


  • Height of the Tinymce Text Editor Source Code field

  • Loading sign during the contact message sending process

  • Thumbnail page image not displayed


  • Added language translation for notifications when contact messages are successfully sent

  • Validate the contact message form

  • Add a first name to the notification when sending a contact message successfully

  • Add date and time edit input on the Edit Post

  • Added draft and scheduled icons on the All Posts page in the Admin Panel

  • Added favicon logo invocation script

  • Post thumbnail caption


  • Update TinyMCE version 6.4.2 to 6.7.2

  • TinyMce skin name for theme light from magz to tinymce-5

  • Remove elevation-3 on brand-image to remove shadow on logo

  • Update sweetalert2 v11.4.0 to sweetalert2 v11.9.0

  • Change sweetalert invocation script from swal() to in e-magz.js file

  • Changed the style call from sweetalert2-theme-bootstrap-4/bootstrap-4.min.css to sweetalert2/sweetalert2.min.css in frontend theme

  • Changed the script to display the logo in Helpers/ImageHelper.php

  • Added to the scope query to prevent posts from displaying articles created with a date and time that exceeds the current date and time.

  • Changed the script to display the logo in the footer

  • Changed the script to display the logo in the header

[v2.2.0] - 2023-10-26


  • Sidebar Image Ads cannot be changed.

  • "Undefined array key "[language code]"" error when opening the Footer layout page

  • some phrases are not translated

  • Minor adjustments to the CSS of the web theme

  • The other minor mistakes


  • Comment management system.


  • Web theme style: Bootstrap v5.1.3 to v5.3.2

[v2.1.0] - 2023-10-07


  • Pages cannot be deleted

  • Email Subscription


  • table subscribers

  • Creates a language code folder in the lang directory automatically when creating a language


  • Removed use of MailChimp

[v2.0.2] - 2023-09-21


  • Category images are deleted when category data is updated

  • The Google Analytics Global site tag script does not appear

  • download export file data

  • An error appears on the site page when selecting a new language option

  • Error when importing file data and backup storage


  • Intervention Image configuration file


  • Remove the link in the URL column on Themes Pages

[v2.0.1] - 2023-08-30 (reupload)


  • The DataTables 'Attempt to read property "name" on null' error appears after deleting the parent category

  • Problem with Logo header on mobile view

  • Disqus missing

  • Cannot change Display language options

  • The language item caanot be activated/deactivated

[v2.0.1] - 2023-08-25


  • The DataTables 'Attempt to read property "name" on null' error appears after deleting the parent category

  • Problem with Logo header on mobile view

  • Disqus missing

[v2.0.0] - 2023-08-20


  • Video Post

  • Audio Post

  • layout and content can be customized

  • add system mode color scheme


  • Upgrade to Laravel 10

  • Text editor from summernote to TinyMCE

  • Renamed Google Analytics ID to Measurement ID

  • Renamed Analytics View ID to Property ID

  • Translation editor

  • Color scheme icon: dark mode, light mode, system mode

  • etc


  • Google Analytics

  • Other bugs

[v1.3.4] - 2023-06-21


  • Error 503 when accessing post details that have category

  • CSS: The color of the pagination number when active

  • Fixed attempt to read property "parent" on null on homepage


  • Posts helper: display thumbnail images in edited posts

[v1.3.3] - 2023-05-22


  • Custom Open Graph Image per Page

  • Supports Sub Categories


  • Can’t deactivate language in Localization > Language menu

  • Can’t delete Sub Menu

  • Error saving Menu When Any Menu Item is deleted

[v1.3.2-4] - 2023-04-27


  • Post image not showing

  • Error sitemap

  • Post error page when opened by a different user

[v1.3.2-3] - 2022-10-10


  • Can’t delete social media site links

  • ad image not showing

  • minor bug


  • package consoletvs/charts

[v1.3.2-2] - 2022-10-05


  • Site Social Media

  • Permalink

  • Image ad

  • change favicon

  • change logo

  • Update Settings

  • Env-editor blank

[v1.3.2-1] - 2022-07-24


  • Display a blank image on the edit page


  • Check php symlink extension

[v1.3.2] - 2022-07-19


  • Support RTL for dashboard.

  • Support Dark Mode for theme.

  • Image for category.

  • shared hosting and basic version.

  • Disk 'sharedhosting' on Filesystem Disks for custom storage.

  • Env configuration for custom disk filesystem in env file.


  • Image upload view.

  • Display of dashboard page headings and footers condensed for mobile screens.

  • Storage using public path instead of storage path (for the shared hosting version).


  • All issues found in previous versions.


  • The amount of data in the title on the page.

[v1.3.1] - 2022-04-01


  • Edit language name.


  • Translation key label_translations to label_translation.

  • 'author' instead 'member' in Helpers/Posts.php.


  • Issue when adding translations to posts and pages.

  • Issue with slug in Page.

  • Tag input on post page added translation.

  • Route for multiple delete pages.

  • Process of deleting posts and pages that have translations.

  • Input so that it could support multiple characters, for example Arabic characters.

  • Text on change image button in edit advertisement.

  • Menu link and menu item submit button after editing.

  • Language on related posts in post details.

  • TTL on Frontend Theme.

  • Tanslation edit.

[v1.3.0] - 2022-03-05


  • Mmlti-language feature.

  • Descriptions to categories and tags.

  • Localization Menu to manage language and translation.

  • Color settings on the Socialmedia Menu.

  • language selection settings.

  • Supports RTL on Frontend Themes.

  • Support Dark Mode on Dashboard.

  • Setting to show or hide language selection on frontend.

  • Set use_full_favicon to true.

  • Roles cannot be changed and deleted, except Roles added by the user.

  • Bootstrap 5 on Theme Frontend.


  • Manager Menu.

  • Superadmin role name to super-admin, and the member role name to author.

  • Name of Register Member to Register User.

  • Sitemap.

  • Env-editor package from brotzka/laravel-dotenv-editor to geo-sot/laravel-env-editor.

  • Social Media input in Settings > Web Contacts to be more dynamic.


  • Fixed missing SupportLocales.json file in app/public/file storage.


  • Removed Menu to Set Permissions. Granting or changing permissions can be done via the Role Menu.

[v1.2.3] - 2021-07-18


  • update laravel adminlte.


  • Permalinks.

  • Settings - web-properties.

  • Meta description changed from string to text database migration.

  • The grid column height on the home page of the latest news section.

  • Search page.

  • Error "Undefined array key 0" in dashboard for newly created Google Analytics.

[v1.2.2] - 2021-06-07


  • Page and Category Permalinks. - === Fixed

  • Login error when Post Permalink is set in Post name.

  • Error when importing data files.

[v1.2.1] - 2021-05-21


  • Modified Sitemap: change the guid content from item id to url link.


  • Fixed Error "Unsupported operand types: int - string".

  • Fix youtube social media links in footer.

  • Fix cannot upload images in post and page articles.

[v1.2.0] - 2021-04-17


  • Sitemap.

  • Feed RSS.

  • Export data & storage file.

  • Import data.

  • User status feature.

  • dropdown on session by device and visitor & pageview to select Google Analytics for the day.


  • Changing the way to enter the Google Adsense script (No longer inserting scripts).

  • Update Package.

[v1.1.1] - 2021-03-18


  • Member post edit.

  • Hide link register member on register is not activated.

  • Imagick driver image to GD.

  • Appearance of Google Analytics on the dashboard.

  • Blade :: component instead Blade :: aliasComponent for breadcrumb templates


  • Image that does not appear in the edit gallery form

[v1.1.0] - 2020-11-17


  • Private post feature in Post.

  • Loading progress bar on the front end.

  • Displays the name of the user who is currently logged in on the frontend.


  • Upgrade to Laravel 8.

  • Change the redirect from dashboard to login after registering a new user on the register user page.

  • library package.


  • Social media on Add New User.

  • Permission on Update Role when clicking the update role button.

  • Open graph image thumbnail when uploading image in Web Properties settings.

  • Thumbnail post image that did not appear when the web permalink was changed to the day and name.

  • Bug.

[v1.0.2-5] - 2020-10-01


  • Enhancement library package.

  • Enhancement Advertising.

  • Enhancement Favicon Settings.


  • Bug changes to the website logo.

  • Web contacts.

  • The child menu in the frontend navigation menu.

[v1.0.2] - 2020-09-09


  • Custom permalink to the post.

  • Video attribute to the text editor.

  • Custom dashboard and login logo.


  • Enhancement Advertisement.

  • Enhancement Permissions.


  • User permissions.

  • Change photo profile.

  • Bugs.

[v1.0.1-1] - 2020-08-11


  • Customize Credit Footer on CMS.

  • Themes information detail.

  • Permalinks web config menu (settings).


  • Update Documentation

  • Change file and folder themes structure.

  • Add permalinks web config menu (settings).

  • Update the latest package version.

  • Analytics chart display changes.


  • Bugs.

[v1.0.0] - 2020-07-23

  • Initial release.