
Web Informations

web information

Web Contact

web contacts

Web Properties

web properties

Web Config

web configs

Generate Sitemap

Click the Generate Sitemap button to generate a web sitemap

generate sitemap

Web Sitemap

The web sitemap URL can be seen


Maintenance Mode

maintenance mode

Display the page when in Maintenance mode

service unavailable

Web Backup

web backup

Export Data

Click the "Download Export Data File" button to download the data backup file.

backup data

The results of the export of data are in the form of an xlsx format file that contains data in a database table.

laramagz backup

Backup file storage

Click the "Download Backup Storage" button to download all files in public storage

backup store

The download results are in the form of a zip file which you can then extract and put in the public folder in storage

Import Data

import data

If you want to import the data from the data file backup, you can search for the laramagz-backup.xlsx file that you downloaded. The import data action will replace all the data in some of the current database tables.

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