
This page displays the theme used by Laramagz.


Info Theme

If clicked, it will display theme information.

button info theme
theme information

Theme Settings

Click "customize" to enter the theme layout.

button customize theme
general layout

On this page, you can set content in the sidebar and footer that applies to all pages.

Page Settings

If you want to set the main content on each page, you can go to page settings.

page settings click
page settings


Sidebars and footers can also be set to display or not display for all pages. If you want to display it on a certain page, you can set it in Page Settings.



If the sidebar is set not visible it will look as follows. The page content is centered

without sidebar

If the footer is not visible then only the footer credits will be displayed without the footer content

no footer

Sidebar Position

set position

Sidebar position can be set right or left

sidebar position